Sunday 14 October 2012

I wandered lonely as a Cloud, and sought out ale o'er Vales and Hills

Location: Lake District central

Edward Lear 

Today's memories and soundbites:

Tubular Fells - Wainright's 214
Well, after the study of the sublime in Snowdonia (see blog of 23.09.12), I thought I ought to go and follow the literary and artistic trail into the Lakes, this being a part of the country I know very little about.  I was last there more than 20 years ago, and I remember only rain and cold climbing Scafell Pike, and seeing lots of chunky Herdwick sheep who appeared more comfortable in their environment than me.  I certainly managed to find my own definition of the sublime whilst here .... coming up the Hardknott Pass on the Duddon Valley side 30% switchbacks on wet roads slewed with gravel on my Triumph Sprint.  Aaaaawwghhh ....... beautiful and awesome and very very scary!  I followed the path of Wordsworth and Ruskin.  Came across stories of witches. But it was perhaps the Romans who seemed to have left an indelible mark in this landscape.  Signs of them all over the place.  I found them at Hardknott fort, a lonely outpost built between AD120 and AD138, under Hadrian, a fortification between settlements on the coast such as Ravensglass through to the inland sites at Ambleside and Brougham.  The road was also Roman built infrastructure. There was another fort on my route round at Galva by Clappersgate Ambleside, and when  I climbed a hill behind Ambleside, High Pike at Scandale Fell (650m so not quite a Munro!!) I crossed the High Sweden bridge, which looked somehow Roman.  The Pike afforded a great view of lake Windemere.  Back in Kendal, I discovered as luck would have it there was a beer festival ..... and a whole choice of bands at various town venues ... brilliant.  The world of Westmorland 'craft' breweries was opened up to me.

Drinks ...... deep breath ..... and remember many were served as 1/3 not even 1/2 pints!!

Grasmere newly opened Daffodil Hotel bar
Emotional: Fresh and grassy..... About right for a grassy location
Critical:  Immediate hops and bitterness followed by hay and honey flavours and then back to a full bitter punch and clean zesty finish.

Emotional: Aaah much better.  Last time I tried this it tasted of paper pulp and cardboard.
Critical: Smooth and creamy head, smooth pint, slightly fruity and mildly bitter.  Refreshing after a day hill walking.

Emotional: oh!
Critical: Yellow bitter.  Bitter sweet with some metallic zing. Some fruit. Not bad.

Emotional: Produced not far from the prison at Millom - I might comment it ought to stay there?
Critical: Similar style to the Ulverston. Also light yellow bitter with a slight hay and grapefruit flavours which finishes with a bitter metallic flourish.

Emotional: I remember this from a different time
Critical: Again a yellow bitter which is very soft and smooth. A bit of hazelnut and slight toasted cereal. Smooth bitter finish. I would have this again.

Emotional: Yummy yummy yummy far too drinkable
Critical: lovely aroma.  Rich flavours, some chocolate, treacle and heavy malt but lifted by a light to mediumj body with just enough carbonation to carry it all off. 

7. Bank Top. Pavillion Pale Ale (4.5%)
Emotional: well ......
Critical: A mix of fruity, metallic grapefruit.  Not really my favorite kind of beer.

Emotional: Burnt socks bitter
Critical: Hohum ... maybe its getting too late in the day.

And the band tonight making the floor vibrate and the walls quiver are the stomping Peatbog Fearies
Emotional: Mmmmmm nice
Critical:  Another yellow/blonde bitter.  This one tastes great light carbonation, creamy head and smooth drinking pint with buttery dough, and buttercotch flavours.  Clean mildly bitter finish.  Nice!!

Emotional: Oooh very fresh and reviving after the hard travel over the pass. Just what the doctor ordered.
Critical: Fine flavour, a mild bitterness, slightly carbonated, probably more a lager in style rather than a bitter??

Lake views

The Britannia Inn, Elterwater

Rustic - beautiful rather than sublime

Windemere from High Pike Scandale Fell

My kind  of farm, Troutbeck

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