Tuesday 20 November 2012

Somebody loves me?

Thank you to Go to Ale who nominated my blog for a Liebster Award?  I have been asked to answer 11 questions and then ask my own nominees with less than 200 followers another 11 questions.  Here goes then.  The 11 questions I was asked, with my answers, are:

1. What brewery makes your favourite beer?
The best beer I ever had was a porter served at the White eagle in Rhosneigr, Wales, but I don't remember who brewed it or what it was called, so best I mention Dorest brewers Hall and Woodhouse whose beers I really rate when tasting a well kept cask ale of theirs in a local pub.

2.  Star Wars or Star Trek?
Ohhh Star Wars by a long shot

3.  Black pens or blue pens? 
Pencils actually and then black pens

4.  Are you a homebrewer? 
Yes I love it and always looking to source free ingredients from field and hedgerow 

5.   How will you cook your turkey on Thanksgiving? 
We don't have Thanksgiving over here, so not something I can answer!

6.  What game have you always wanted to play on the Price Is Right? 
??? Is that on TV??

7.  Do you like sushi? 
Adore it and love to prepare it too

8.  What is your favorite meal to have with your favorite beer?  
Steak (blue) and chips with any strong flavoured ale, probably a porter or stout like Porterhouse Wrasslers XXXX Stout from Ireland

9.  If you could go back in time and visit one person for a day, who would you visit? 
Wow that's hard to answer, it's a toss-up between Albrecht Durer (1471-1528), or Rosa Parks (1913-2005), or Ernest Shackleton (1874-1922)

10.  Say you have a friend who has never had a beer. What beer would you recommend to a new beer drinker?
Something tasty and not too controversial, probably Sierra Nevada Pale Ale easy to drink and very, very delicious

11.  Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck?
Aaaaaghhh .... can't we have dogs instead of mice and ducks?  I'd rather vote for Pluto if I may.

For my own nominees please answer the following and then ask your own 11 questions of your own nominees via a direct message of FB link, remember that new nominees need to have less than 200 followers.


1. Which is your favourite brewery and why?
2. What beer would you recommend for a wedding?
3. IPA or Stout?
4. What is the collective noun for a group of beer drinkers?
5. Do you agree? 
6. Crystal, Challenger or Cascade?
7. Great Wall of China or Hanging Gardens of Babylon?
8. How many beers are in a keg, and is this knowledge important?
9. Why barley or Marmite?
10. When will you stop drinking beer?
11.  Do you believe "There is no Santa"?


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