Tuesday 8 January 2013

Wierd and wonderful: Glow-worm wine cures drunkeness

Location:  A Dictionary of Sussex Folk Medicine

Drink: Glow-worm wine.
Although I know of many British folk remedies involving plants, those which involve animals are a suprise. Glow-worms, the little beetles that shine a faint greenish light in wet and marshy places, habitats where the larvae can find and feed on slugs and snails, feature as a key ingredient in a 16th and 17th Sussex cure for drunkenness and lust!  Brilliant! The green glow from the "firefly" or glow worm not only acts to attract mates, but also serves as a warning to predators that it tastes bitter and horrid.  What better ingredient to use to create a brew likely enough to dampen your ardour and put you off wine for life!

Recipe 1:
Gather your glow worms.  Macerate.  Add to wine.

Recipe 2:
Gather your glow worms.  Add to wine. Distill.

Supply to "those unclean lechers" to spare wife, widow and maid "from lust not fit to be mentioned".  Leonard Mascall 1627.

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