Wednesday 8 August 2012

Three Sheets at the docks

Location: Docklands, Bangor

Moodmusic:  Joining up again before another day of action learning

Today's memories and soundbites
"Simon says - Spent pants"
New tasting and ranking procedure ..... best beer is the fastest disappearing?  If it's being supped quickly it must rank better than a pint slower to go.  By this token the Bank's Sunbeam is a better beer than the Three Sheets?


Location: The Boat Yard
1. Ringwood, Three Sheets (4.6%)
Emotional: Well, not bad ..... not brilliant but not bad
Critical:  Nice colour, gives a smooth creamy head. Metallic sweet, slightly citrusy crisp beer. Sharp finish.  Likely a great session beer.

2. Bank's, Sunbeam
As good as it was in Shrewsbury.  See blog of June 12th

Location: The Tap and Spile
3. Batemans, Summer Swallow (3.9%)
Emotional: This is just right for such a beautiful summers night (3 days and nights of warm sunshine - not for us the rain and storm!)
Critical:  Aroma yeasty.  Beautiful golden colour. Medium body.  Tangy, hay flavours.  Long astringent then bitter finish.  Delicious.  Refreshing.

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