Sunday 23 September 2012

Sublime Snowdonia sinking Orme, Swampy and Landlord

Location: Snowdonia National Park, Pas Tan Y Bwlch

Moodmusic: Beauty or sublimity?

Today's memories and soundbites
The discussion all weekend has been about the meaning of "sublime" unpicking the philosophical debate of the Enlightenment, looking to see what it means and then what, if any, relevance it has today when we consider the management and conservation of landscape.  Opinions differed but perhaps the sublime is "Of such grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe" looking at something dangerous from a place of safety. Beauty is less threatening, more ordered.  Maybe sublime makes us think of the small part humanity plays in the bigger story of nature, and points out there are things we can't control.  Anyway, the walking, thinking and debate was thankfully accompanied by beer.  We stopped at the Pengwern Community pub in Bleaneau Ffestiniog, sublime in so far as Trawsfynydd nuclear power station is viewed from the pub porch!


Plas Tan Y Bwlch, Meantwrog
Great Orme, Orme (4.2%)
Emotional: Oooh much better than expected!
Critical: I usually find these Great Orme beers thin and metallic, but this time, this bottle was really nice.  Toasted with strong chocolate and toffee flavours. Clean mild bitter finish.

Pengwern Community Pub, Bleaneau
Timothy Taylor's Landlord (4.3%)
Emotional: Well, OK, not as brilliant as expected
Critical: This is a good session beer.  Not very complex in flavour.  Medium body pours a nice creamy head. Smooth to drink, ringing hops with floral hoppy hints.  Clean ending.

Big Bog Brewery, Swampy (4.3%)
Emotional: Yummy
Critical: Rare ruby beer.  Nice crisp flavour clean and fruity with small toasted cereal finish in the mouth. Medium bodied.  Really drinakable session beer.  Very pleasant.

In search of sublime landscapes

Vale of Ffestiniog 2012 and 1780

Bedgelert 2012 and before 1802

Dolbadarn Castle 2012 and 1799

Pengwern 2012 and after 1805
Sublime beer spot certainly

The aesthetics of winter?  Sublime or beautiful?
The Economist interviews Adam Gopnik on the aesthetics of winter

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