Thursday 19 July 2012

I'm not camping ... no ...... she lives in a house

Location:  The home .... I'm not permanently in a tent (beer or otherwise)!!

Moodmusic:  Home on the range

Homemade rosehip wine (11% I think - mates concur)
Picked and brewed from September 2011. C J Berry recipe as always, with slight modification. Shared a freshly opened demijohn with friends over a vegetable stir-fry this evening.  Very nice. I have made this 3 times in my life and every time it tastes like sherry.  Not good if you don't like sherry but fine if you do!!  It's a bit "in your face - and tart" not the real heavy roll around your tongue mellowness of a sherry, but interesting and passable.

2lb rosehips
3lb sugar
1 tspn citric acid
water 1 gallon
yeast and nutrient
pectic enzyme

Gather rosehips after a frost (but you can also just pick and keep them in a freezer for a week).  Mash, crush or cut up the rosehips and add to sugar and boiling water in a fermenting bucket.  Add yeast, acid, enzyme and nutrient when water blood hot.  Leave to ferment in a warm place for 2 weeks. Stir daily.  Then strain into demi-john as usual.

Rosehip view


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