Monday 27 August 2012

Munro’s, midges, and monuments with Oban Bay, Arran and Broughton

Location: Killin area Perth and Kinross

Weekend memories and soundbites
Drive up to Killin and Loch Tay turn northwest, past Moirlanich Longhouse an early 20th century cottage providing a glimpse of rural life in this part of the world up until the 1960’s. On to Meall Ghaordie 1039m (a shoulder arm or hand) a long sprawling Munro full of bog.  A night camping beside the loch ….. with no midges …. horaah! Then off to Ben Lawers NNR, central Highlands’ highest peak, but more impressive to me were the deer and sheep exclusion areas which have allowed native woodland and flora to re-establish themselves on the limestone, so a great mixture of harebells, scabious and ladies mantle.  Meall Corranaich 1069m (the prickly hill), Meall a-Chquiree Leith 926 (lump of the grey quarry) through the Megganie estate and into Glenlyon. On to Fortingall alongside the river and the churchyard to see a 5,000 year old yew, amongst fields strewn with druid stones and an obelisk.  The weekend felt like a proper holiday.

I think I probably need to point out at this stage, because the list is pretty long, that I am not a lush, I am not drinking these beers alone and I am not consuming pints of the stuff in any one sitting!!  Its just that real ale is too good not to collect and to savour in all it's variety.

Location: Base camp home the Borders

Emotional: Aaah refreshing and honest
Critical: Nice pint.  Sweetish.  Uncontroversial.  Fully rounded flavour although lacking some base notes. Light on hops, a bit more malt and a hint of caramel. Clean finish.

Emotional: Oh yes, yes, yes …… more of this one please
Critical: balanced ale which is light and fresh whilst maintaining depth of flavour.  Lemon sherbet fresh citrus top notes, deep hoppy malt that somehow reflects summer time warmth underneath. Very, very quaffable.  Slips down too easy.

Emotional: OMG … died and gone to heaven
Critical: This is an extraordinary complex and very full-flavoured ale.  It takes you on a journey past hops and malt, elderberry and tangerine, through salty seaweed vanilla and oak.  Who would have thought whisky cask  maturation could lead to such joy in a beer?

Location: Cruachan Farm

Emotional: Mmm yes great after a hard days walking …. Like this one …. Very much
Critical: Clean honest ale with a light bite.  Medium bodied. Hoppy, hints of chocolate.  Ruby red and rich.  Thin head. Slightly fruity hoppy aroma.  Well deserving of its many awards.

Emotional: Oh yea a great IPA ... very good
Critical: Nice head, lovely golden colour.  Citrus and hay, summer flavours. Lemony, gingery, fruity.  Zingy. 

Emotional: Not sure ..
Critical: A very light colour for what is called a dark ale.  Pretty fizzy when poured which may detract from taste. Caramel, with a bit of chocolate.  Mashy, hashy sourness. Not as complex as expected. Slight disappointment.

Emotional: Mmmmm well OK,
Critical: It’s a mass produced beer. Not unpleasant when there is nothing else on. Dudgeon & Company's Belhaven Brewery is a legend founded in Dunbar in 1719.

Location: Home again
Emotional: Too tired to manage any more words.
Critical: Thin head.  Mossy, oaty, medium bodied beer. 

Colours of the hills

Interesting hazards

The 5,000 year old yew

Bagging the 189th Munro for a friend - if only my 3rd! .... knowingly anyway ......

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