Sunday 12 August 2012

Rampart, Growler and Fullers on the ocean wave

Location: Menai Straits and Cearnarfon Bar

Moodmusic: Lift a glass to those we have loved

Today's memories and soundbites
A very unexpected weekend, on a boat, on the Menai Straits passing through the Swellies (bad reputation if you don't pick the right slack window) and out beyond to the sea.  Cearnarfon from the sea looked pretty amazing, everything a walled European citadell should look like, with a pub tucked onto a quay under the castellations.  On to a night moored in a pool at Abermenai point.  Sounds of curlew, tern and oyster catcher.  Music from Ireland and Africa as accompaniment, along with beer even though limited to bottle again but who cares in a place like this?  Walked today after lovely slow Sunday morning, looking a across to Fort Belan which was built in 1775 originally to fend off American privateers from the Irish sea by Lord Newborough. Picked samphire for lunch, unlucky with the fish line although saw seabass jumping and shoaling mackerel mashing and blipping the sonar, before washing up and heading home.  A great weekend holiday.


1. Conwy, Rampart (4.5%)
Emotional: Aaaahhhh I needed that!
Critical: Nice bitter tart bitter hops with a bit of citrus breaking through.  Lovely crisp finish and a smooth texture.  Not too watery.

2. Nethergate, Old Growler, Strong English Ale (5.6%)

Emotional: Oh dear ..... this is going to my head!!
Critical: A strong and flavoursome drink.  Toffee hops and then breaking into porridge caramel. English to the core.  Both refreshing and comforting on a warm moonlit night.

3. Fullers, 1845 (6.3%)
Emotional: Wooow .... time to slow down now
Critical: Fullers is always steady! Aroma is hoppy and hazlenuts.  Toasted malt, little bit of chocolate at the back, caramel and fruity.  Complexity.  ends well with nice lasting bitterness.

Menai view

Britannia Bridge, built by Stephenson in 1845

Cearnarfon city walls and castle

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