Monday 23 July 2012

Camden canals with bottles Fullers and Cobbdens

Location: Somers Town, Regents canal and Albert dock

Moodmusic: So sunny again I really do have sunburn on my cheeks and I am seeking shade

(Yester)days memories and soundbites
Well this is a whole section of London I have never explored before, the area around the back of Kings Cross and St Pancras.  I have only ever rushed to and from Kings Place whilst working. Regeneration development underway so still changing.  I took a walk after a visit to the British Library (Writing Britain exhibition and room of Treasures), up through Somers Town, into and through St Pancras old church and park  (Cromwell's troops were billeted here whilst we are on the theme of the civil war again!!) and then lazely beside the canal at London Wildlife Trust Camley street Natural Park.  Sat for hours watching the world and narrow boats go by, then explored more of the canal up and down the towpath which was very busy with cyclists and eventually ended up at the Filling Station before heading back to the way home.

Bottled ale this time round, no ale house found canal bankside, just cider at the Filling Station and I am NOT going to get into cider reviews!!  Never found Brewdog

1. Fullers, London Pride (4.7%)
Emotional: I know, I know this is a well established old favourite that doesn't come from a new micro-brewery, but hey ho never mind I was in London so thought I had better have some of this
Critical: Steady brew, medium body with dry finish. Deep malty base, earthy and somehow bread-and-cheesey down to earth and very English.  Certainly merits the popularity it has gained over the years. Think this is classed as a Pale Ale.

2. GreenKing, Tolly English Ale (2.8%)
Emotional: Well, I wondered what a low strength budget busting beer would taste like ...... drinkable actually
Critical: Thinnish head and not too much aroma. Tastes like a pineapple infused sweet tea kind of brew.  Not as sweet and sickly the more you have.  Its a bit thin, but passable.  Quite fizzy, but not badly so considering the flavour and style of the drink.

London view

rubbish wildlife

new Kings Cross

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