Tuesday 31 July 2012

On a roll and getting the measure in Oxgangs

Location: South Edinburgh

Moodmusic: "I'll have a wee swalley"

Todays memories and soundbites
More Olympic madness
"ooh she is so much more sproingey than Beth, much higher sproinginess factor"
"wooooow that was boingy baby!!!!"
"wigglings who???"

It was another day of hard intellectual effort in the office.  Working out a conceptual framework around natural resource governance .... don't you know ..... Soooo after the success of last night it was a quick trip to the local supermarket in this different location to find more Scottish offerings. Here they are.  And no I'm not drinking all of these on my own .... I refuse to admit that I am a lush!


1. Harviestoun, Bitter and Twisted (4.2%)
Emotional: Oh
Critical: I thought the label was more impressive than the beer.

2. Williams Brothers, Cock O' The Walk (4.3%)
Emotional: Alloa ... aah this is more like it
Critical: Burnt sugar toffee flavours making way for a fruity hoppiness, nice ruby roundnessand warmth.  Nice head and clean finish. We didn't think this qualified as a session beer.

3. Traditional Scottish Ales, Lomond Gold (5%)
Emotional:  Mmm mellow summeriness
Critical: Mild and mellow, lemon citrus without the sharp tang, pleasant clean palate, light fizz, great for summer supping.

4. Fyne Ales, Maverick (4.2%)
Emotional: Oh yeah .... look at that head
Critical: Drak roasty toasty bitter bitter with real depth and malty integrity.  I like this bitter alot.

5. aaghhhh had enough now ....... the Ossian will have to wait for another day

Oxgangs view


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