Wednesday 11 July 2012

So long and thanks for the fish!

Location: Albion Vaults, Shrewsbury

Moodmusic: A fond farewell after a year of co-production

Today's memories and soundbites
"They hung a shipwrecked monkey in Hartlepool during the Napoleonic wars, fearing it was a French spy. And recently the first mayor, a monkey, was re-elected to office after getting in on a ticket of free bananas for all school children"

Just time to give Rob a send off, wish him well in his new life, and sit round in an old school pub co-producing the blog entry, before dashing back to the four corners of Wales from whence we all traveled. Cheers Rob!

1. Banks, Sunbeam (4.2%)
Emotional: "The most summer I have had this summer so far"
Critical: High notes of fresh citrus zingy fruity summer bliss.  We discussed if this was a session beer or not. Consensus was it tasted beautiful, great balance, but a bit too quick to get you schloozled. Was definitely interested in a take away, but not in carrying it on the train. Thumbs up for a delicious fruity pint evoking summer meadows and festivals.

Shrewsbury view

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